Latin-MH Events

Seventh Study Group Reunion Latin-MH

Our 7th Study Group consisted in the debate "Primary-Care Professionals Mental Health: work-related factors" with Dr. Andréa Tenório, and it was held on February 31st. In this meeting we discussed the findings of The PANDORA-SP Study. This webinar was broadcasted online via Adobe Connect and it happened in two sessions: one in portuguese and one in english. The link to the videos may be found below!

The PANDORA-SP Study (Panorama of Primary Health Care Workers in São Paulo: Depression, Organizational Justice, Violence at Work and Burnout Assessments) is the doctoral research of Dr. Andréa Tenório (FMUSP/FASM), cooriented by Prof. Claudia de Sousa Lopes (UERJ) and supervised by Prof. Paulo Rossi Menezes (FMUSP).

Dr. Andréa Tenório is a family and community physician, researcher associated to FMUSP, professor at Faculdade de Medicina Santa Marcelina (FASM), coordinator of Núcleo de Pesquisa em Atenção Primária à Saúde - FASM. Completed her master's, doctor's and postdoctoral's degree at the Preventive Medicine Department of FMUSP, under supervision of Prof. Paulo Menezes. During her doctorate, she carried out an internship at Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, Epidemiology Department, under supervision of Prof. Ezra Susser. Fields of Research: Collective Health, Mental Health, Primary-Care, Health Management, Medical Education and Health Technologies.

To know more about the PANDORA-SP study, read the papers below:

  1. Violence at work and depressive symptoms in primary health care teams: a cross-sectional study in Brazil (da Silva ATC, Peres MFT, Lopes CDS, Schraiber LB, Susser E, Menezes PR);
  2. Work-related depression in primary care teams in Brazil (da Silva ATC, Lopes CDS, Susser E, Menezes PR);
  3. Thesis: Burnout and depression in primary health care workers in São Paulo, Brazil (da Silva ATC).

Other publications regarding Mental Health:

  1. Article: Esgotamento profissional e transtornos mentais comuns em agentes comunitários de saúde;
  2. Article: Burnout em médicos da Atenção Primária: revisão sistemática;
  3. Article: Depression and violent crime: is there a relationship?;
  4. CREMESP Book Chapter (in Portuguese): Saúde mental dos profissionais da estratégia saúde da família: o papel da exposição à violência no trabalho;
  5. Video (in Portuguese) - Violence exposure and depression in : Entrevista no programa Fantástico - Exposição à violência e depressão em médicos.

Science Media:

  1. Currículo Lattes: Dr. Andréa Tenório Correia da Silva (
  2. Research Gate:

The webinar happened on January 31st, online, in portuguese and in english. The results from the PANDORA-SP study were shown and the discussion was very rich as the brazilian situation was throughtly explored with the participants. 

Lost it? Don't worry! You may watch the video of the study group by clicking the links below!

Portuguese Version

English Version

Thank you for watching and supporting us!

Coming up

Tenth Latin-MH Study Group

It's going to be held at August 22nd, 10am EST, our 10th Latin-MH Study Group with the theme "Digital Technology for Preventing Early Mortality Among People Living with Serious Mental Illnesses". This webinar will be presented by Dr. John A. Naslund, PhD from Dartmouth College, and will be held in English, online, via Adobe Connect. Come join and build capacity with us!

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Latest events

Ninth Latin-MH Study Group

It was held on May 29th our 9th Latin-MH Study Group with the theme "New Technologies for Mental Health Assistance". This theme, our study group was tutored by Dr. Ines Hungerbühler, PhD from University of São Paulo. The webinar was held via Adobe Connect, and this edition was in English. Watch it right now!

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Eighth Latin-MH Study Group

It was held on March 30th our 8th Latin-MH Study Group with the theme "IntelliCare - Mobile Apps for Depression and Anxiety". This time, the speaker was Dr. Kenneth Weingardt, PhD from Northwestern University. The webinar was held online via Adobe Connect, and this edition was in English. Watch the video right now! 

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Seventh Study Group Reunion Latin-MH

Our 7th Study Group consisted in the debate "Primary-Care Professionals Mental Health: work-related factors" with Dr. Andréa Tenório, and it was held on February 31st. In this meeting we discussed the findings of The PANDORA-SP Study. This webinar was broadcasted online via Adobe Connect and it happened in two sessions: one in portuguese and one in english. The link to the videos may be found below!

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